Payment Methods
In Person
The Cashier's Office is located in the Main Building, Room M245. The cashier can be reached at 434.961.5213. The cashier can not accept credit card payment by phone. If credit card payments cannot be made in person, please pay via MyPVCC.
You may pay in person at the Cashier's Office with cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Checks or money orders must be made payable to PVCC for the exact amount due. Be sure to include your PVCC Empl ID in the note line of the check for accurate processing of your payment. The total amount due may be found on MyPVCC in Student Center under Finances.
- Cashier's Office Hours
- Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The college will assess a $35.00 service charge for handling returned e-checks, checks or dishonored credit/debit cards. If payment is not received within the due date established by the Business Office, the fee will increase to $50.00.
American Express, MasterCard, and Visa credit card payments are encouraged to be made online through MyPVCC using QuickPay.
- Log into MyPVCC.
- Click SIS.
- Click Student Center. If you see the message that you have no charges at this time, click Account Inquiry.
- Click Go to Make a Payment.
- Complete payment information.
- Click Next.
- View Payment Summary to confirm payment.
- Click Submit.
- Click View Confirmed Payment button to view and print payment confirmation and retain as documentation.
Make sure that your preferences have been set to PVCC, otherwise you may not be able to see the balance due.
If you are unable to access QuikPay, you may need to allow Popup Blockers for this website. Please email the or call 434.961.5213 if you experience difficulty using QuikPay.
Payment by Third Party (Scholarships, Employers, and Savings Plans)
Your employer or other parties must provide a written letter of authorization to PVCC's Cashier's Office prior to the tuition payment deadline. Authorization is required for each semester. The letter may be hand-delivered to the Cashier's Office, faxed to the attention of the Cashier's Office at 434.961.6554 or mailed to:
Cashier's Office
501 College Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22902
The Virginia529 Plan is also a 3rd party payment arrangement. In order to use your Prepaid529 benefits, you will complete and send an "Intent to Enroll" form to the plan. The form authorizes Virginia529 to communicate with PVCC and make payments to the college. The form and more information can be found on the Virginia529 website.